The best vertical farming system : Tower Garden

ERRA utilise la technologie des tours hydroponiques pour la culture verticale de toutes sortes de légumes, fruits et aromatiques d’une manière simple et efficace, dans des espaces intérieurs ou extérieurs.

Tour de culture erra hydroponie le havre
Tour de culture erra hydroponie le havre

An innovative and ecological tool

ERRA met en avant l’intérêt de l’hydroponie et de l’aéroponie pour offrir un moyen plus propre, plus simple et plus efficace de cultiver des aliments frais et sains. La technologie  innovante des tours hydroponiques verticales est la solution parfaite pour cultiver facilement à la maison ou en milieu urbain tout en utilisant 90 % d’espaces en moins et en économisant jusqu’à et 98 % d’eau par rapport à des cultures en pleine terre.

Why grow vertically?


Grow everywhere

Soil erosion and increasing urbanization are accelerating the scarcity of agricultural land needed for food production. Soil artificialization is progressing steadily in France at an average rate of 60,000 ha per year. The Tower Garden allows you to grow anywhere, using 90% less space than conventional farming.


Healthy crops

A study conducted in the United States on aeroponics showed that plants grow up to 3 times faster in these growing systems than in the ground. In addition to this, plants grown in aeroponic systems have also been shown to absorb more minerals and vitamins, resulting in healthier and more nutritious crops. Generally speaking, hydroponic crops are healthier.


Water savings

Conventional agriculture consumes around 80% of our world global water use. This is an extremely serious water problem for years and decades to come, water will become a scarce commodity. According to the same study, aeroponic systems use up to 98% less water than conventional farming methods. The permanent control of this resource makes it possible to preserve it as well as possible.


High yield

A study conducted by the University of Mississippi compared the yield between aeroponic crops and in-ground crops. Their researchers found that yields of plants grown with aeroponic technology were 30% higher on average. This is because plants have constant and easy access to the nutrients they need to thrive.


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Let's talk about your project, request a quote and bring a Tower Garden or a Tower Farm into your spaces!